Price Table
Turku Region
Revision | Date | Description | Signature |
0.1 | 04.12.2012 | First version | JKP |
0.2 | 11.12.2012 | new version after discussions with Jukka | JKP |
0.3 | 10.03.2013 | new version after 2. negotation round | JKP |
0.4 | 12.03.2013 | new version based on the final spesifications of TMI2014 | JKP |
Version log
1.2 Projektin jälkeiset mahdolliset lisätilaukset 25
Kaikki tarjouksen hinnat tulee antaa tällä hintalomakkeella. Kaikki sovelluksen käyttöönottoon saattamisen ja tuotantokäytön kustannukset tulee sisältyä tarjottuihin hintoihin, myös sovelluksen vakiotoiminnallisuuksiksi ilmoitetut toiminnot sisältäen toimittajan työpanoksen.
Tällä tarjouslomakkeella pyydettyjen hintojen lisäksi tarjouksen tekijällä ei ole oikeutta periä tämän tarjouspyynnön ja sen liitteiden mukaisen palvelukokonaisuuden toimittamisesta, ylläpidosta, huollosta, tukipalveluista, käyttäjän koulutuksesta yms. muita maksuja tai kuluja.
Hinnat ilmoitetaan ilman arvonlisäveroa.
Hinnat ilmoitetaan euroina.
Tarjoushinnat tulee ilmoittaa kiinteinä arvonlisäverottomina hintoina ja niiden tulee sisältää kaikki korvaukset ja kulut (korvaukset työssä tarvittavien välineiden, tietokoneiden, ohjelmien, koneiden käytöstä, tulostuksesta, dokumentoinnista, matka-, majoitus- ja päivärahakorvaukset, kulut, jotka tarjoaja maksaa ulkopuolisille, materiaali- ja käsittelykustannukset yms.). Poikkeuksena on ”Piletti”-korttisovelluksen käyttöönotto, josta tarjoajan tulee ilmoittaa toteutuksen kattohinta.
Hintavertailussa ylläpito- ja huoltohinnat lasketaan koko sopimuksen voimassaolo ajalle. Laskennassa arvioidaan, että järjestelmä valmistuu tuotantoon 1 vuoden kuluttua sopimuksen allekirjoittamisesta, jolloin ylläpito ja huoltokustannukset lasketaan 7 vuodelta (2 vuotta takuuaikaa ja 5 vuotta takuun jälkeistä aikaa).
Tarjouslomakkeella ilmoitetaan myös lisätöiden tuntihinnat, jotka huomioida vertailuhinnassa erikseen, siten että kussakin osa-alueessa mukaan lasketaan 100 tunnin työpanos. Lisätöillä tarkoitetaan tehtäviä, jotka eivät sisälly tarjouspyynnön mukaiseen palvelukokonaisuuteen. Lisätöiden tuntihintoja sovelletaan siis vain, kun tilaajan esityksestä tilataan jokin tarjouspyyntöasiakirjoissa määrittelemätön palvelukokonaisuuteen kuulumaton erillinen työ.
Maksusuunnitelma on määritetty osana sopimusta.
Item | Object (hw, sw, service) | Description | Number | Unit price, € | Total price, € | Service- and Maintenance costs, €, total/month (price 1: during the warranty period, Price 2: after the warranty period) | Comments |
1. | Central system and sales solutions |
1.1 | Central System | Complete central system for TMI2014 as descripted inspesifications incl. back up, hot standby, sw. Test and training environment | 1
1 + 1 |
1.2. | JLT own Point of sales (Customer service center and points) | Sw application and card reader and other specialized hw (for example printer if special printer is needed). Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost | 10 |
| External point of sales | Sw application and card reader and other specialized hw (for example printer if special printer is needed). Two way of support for this sales channel is required. way 1: Web solution based userinterface or similar solution way 2: functionalities that allows external sales points to connect via interface to JLT’s sales system Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units)
Price 2: Software cost
Price 3: Hardware cost | estimated amount of external sales points 20 (these partners can link to the TMI2014 via both alternatives)
1.4. | Webshop and other internet services (API) | Software and functionalities to support external webshop on internet and mobile devices. This cost can be included also to 5.2 and 28.5. | 1 |
1.4.1 | Webshop and other internet services (Option) | Building and Implementation of JLT’s own webshop for internet and mobile devices | 1 |
1.5. | Integration of all needed interfaces both central system and vehicles | According to the specifications |
1.5.1. | Winbus | Winbus interface | 1 |
1.5.2. | VTJ | VTJ interface Subscriper keep the right to decide not to develop this interface if centralized CRM project (Digi Turku) starts att city of Turku. Informed price is taken to account when offers are compared. | 1 |
1.5.3. | SAP | SAP | 1 |
1.5.4. | SKJ | SKJ (cash management system) interface | 1 |
1.5.5. | Sales channel interface | 3rd party sales channel interface This price shall include only the price of interface. Other cost of implementing and building of this kind of sales channel shall be informed in 5.2. | 1 |
1.5.6 | Person identification + web payment | Interfaces to the banks releated web services (Web payment + person identification) | 1 |
1.5.7 | DW and reporting | DW and reporting interface | 1 |
1.5.8. | Cash deposit unit | Interface to the operators cash deposit units (Pusatec) | 1 |
1.5.9 | Siri | General customer information interfaces based on SIRI | 1 |
1.5.10 | Axentia based on Siri | Interface for Axentia information channel if extra implementation work is needed after general SIRI interface | 1 |
1.5.11 | Open export interface for real time data and planned timetables | Extra implementation work after general SIRI interface for Open export interface for customer information for 3rd parties | 1 |
1.5.12 | Seasam | Interface for Seasam customer information channel. Subscriper keep the right to decide not to develop this interface if current Seasam system is supported via old central system or Seasam RTPI system will be replaced. Informed price is taken to account when offers are compared. | 1 |
1.5.13 | Swarco | Swarco interface for centralized TSP | 1 |
1.5.14 | PILETTI | PILETTI interface for supporting the sales activities, travel activities and financial and clearing functions. | 1 |
1.5.15 | SMS | SMS-ticketing system interface | 1 |
1.5.16 | Western Systems | Interface to current central system (Western Systems) | 1 |
1.5.17 | Digi Turku | Two way interface between FC system and Digi Turku for customerregister information, ID management, etc. | 1 |
1.6 | Wlan basestations (option) | HW and SW for Wlan basestations | 10 accesspoints |
2. | Card and ID management |
2.1 | Implementation of ID based travelling and rfid + 2d barcode based id reading | Complete implementation of ID based travelling and ID management including also security solutions for ID based system. | 1 |
2.2 | Implementation of card applications |
2.2.1 | “PILETTI” | Implementation of the new nation wide “PILETTI” card solution. Only maximum price of the implementation is asked. This maximum price is taken into account when offers from different suppliers is compared. Final cost of this implementation will be based on open book principle and based on time pricing and price of what the supplier has offered to JLT in this document in row extra work, software developmen. The informed roof price can not anyhow be exceeded. Informed price shall include all implementation work and possible security databases and SAMs or other sequrity releated issues for card solution. | 1 |
2.2.2 | Suppliers own or recommended card solution (Option) | As a back up for ID based travelling, Turku is asking a implementation of suplliers own or recommended card solution. That solution can be used also as extra security element on ID based system. Informed price shall include all implementation work and possible security databases and SAMs or other sequrity releated issues for card solution. | 1 |
2.2.3 | Ultra light card solution (option) | All Implementation work and possible sequrity databases and SAMs or other sequrity releated issues for Ultra light card solution. Supplier can give a price for one or two alternatives. Alternative 1: HSL Ultra Light card solution (documents can be get from HSL) Alternative 2: Suplliers own or recommended Ultra light card solution | 1 |
2.2.4 | MH (Option) | Implementation of MH card application if MH keeps its role as a key player on busticket sales channel and supply market. Only contactless part of the solution will be used. | 1 |
2.5. | Device for mass production (option) | Mass production of Travel cards and Traveller cards, hw + sw | 2 |
2.6. | Travel cards (option) | Calculation if old cards can be reused, otherwise we need about 100 000 cards. 1 layout. This option is mainly releated to option 1.2.2 Suplliers own card solution. | 30 000 |
2.7. | UltraLight cards (Traveller cards) (option) | Calculation, if old storage of cards can be used 1 layout | 0 |
2.8. | Driver cards (option) | Same type of card as Travel card. Calculation if old storage of special cards can be used 1 layout | 0 |
3. | Vehicle system |
3.1. | On-board computer | Vehicle unit incl. complete sw and hw incl. GPS, 3G/4G, communication to sensors and other units Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost | 210 |
3.2. | Ticketing machine | Vehicle unit for selling products incl. Driver terminal, validator customer display, printer, mounting plate etc. (Can be included in item 2) Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost | 210 |
3.3. | Self-service valifator | Vehicle unit for reading and writing cards including customer display Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost | 210 |
3.4. | Installation materials | Cables, mounting materials, etc. | 235 |
3.5. | Paper rolls in ticketing machine in buses | For ticket printing in buses | 15 000 |
3.6. | Vehicle external and internal announcements (option) | Software application | 210 |
3.7. | Vehicle display (infoteinment) (option) | TFT screen 16:9 size 17-20”, 24”-26”, 32” Price information 1-3 different sizes can be given | 50 |
3.8. | APC (Automatic Passanger Counting), Incl. installation material and instructions (Option) | HW + SW including also reporting functionality Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost | 30 |
3.9. | Security cameras on-board buses (option) | HW + SW + storage on-board and central system Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost | 50 |
4. | Ticket vending machines (option) |
4.1. | Ticket vending machine type 1 (option) | Hw and SW, Integration, mounting an commissioning, incl. paper rolls for receipt printing for 1 year Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost | 10 |
4.2 | Ticket vending machine type 2 (option) | Hw and SW, Integration, mounting an commissioning, incl. paper rolls for receipt printing for 1 year Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost | 10 |
4.3. | Paper rolls on TVM (option) | For ticket and receipt printing on TVMs. Two price shall informed if different kind of TVMs uses different paper rolls. | 100 |
5. | Handheld units |
5.1. | Handheld control device for ticket inspectors | Software for Smartphone or handheld device. If special device is needed also the price of HW shall be given. Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost
| 5 |
5.2. | Handheld ticket validator and sales point for rural buses and small vehicles (option) | Software for mobile or handheld device (e.g. tablet). If special device is needed also the price of HW shall be given. SW cost can include also to 8.1. if same software is used. Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units)
Price 2: Software cost
Price 3: Hardware cost | 10 |
5.3 | Installation materials for rural buses and small vehicle devices (option) | Cables, mounting materials, etc. | 10 |
5.4. | External printer that connects to the portable sales unit (option) | HW+ SW+ mounting kit. Printer can be connected to the sales unit via Bluetooth or via other suitable connection method. | 10 |
5.5. | Paper rolls in printers connected to portable sales unit (option) | For ticket printing in buses | 100 |
6. | RTPI system |
6.1. | Dispatcher work station | Software application for monitoring and dispatching functionality. | 3 |
6.2. | Signs/ monitors on bus stop (option) | HW and SW show information and manage signs and monitors. For bus stop with few passing bus lines (1-3) For bus stops with several passing bus lines (4-10) Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost |
50 20 |
6.3. | Software for Signs/ monitors on official places and terminals (option) | Software application | 1 |
6.4. | Signs/ monitors on official places and terminals (option) | HW Supplier can offer different size of monitors that they think att suitable for environment of Turku region. If supplier will offer one and two-sided monitors the prices can give on separate rows. If supplier offers also monitors to inside terminal buildings, they shall be priced separately
| 10 |
6.5. | Journey planner (Option) | For Internet and mobile phones, sw | 1 |
6.6. | Real-time Passenger Information on Internet and Mobile Phones (Option) | Software | 1 |
7. | TSP |
7.1. | Traffic signal priority, centralized | SW for centralized TSP Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost for centralized TSP (interface cost shall be informed on 28.13)
| 1 |
7.2. | Traffic signal priority, local (option) | HW + SW for local control of traffic light priority Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 3: Software for local intersection device Price 4: Hardware cost local intersection device
| 20 |
8. | Project and services |
8.1. | Project management incl. also on site support/managent for roll out and commissioning | More detailed clarfications can be found from dokuments: 1.Project management and implementation (TMI2014_7). 2.Installation and commissioning (TMI2014_8) | 1 |
8.2. | Training and documentation | Pricing should be based on requirement training at documentation in appendix 10. | 1 |
8.3. | Installation in vehicles | Instructions and control of installation including prototype installation and technical support. About 20 prototype installations is needed and should include to the price. | 1 |
8.4. | Testing och verification of the delivery | According to document Liite 9 Acceptance testing | 1 |
8.5. | Test and training equipment | Vehicle device 12, Point of sales 5, 1 handheld control phone, TVM (option), mass production unit 1 Test cards (travel + Traveller + Driver) 100 + 10 +10 Including sw + sw licenses Test version of Webshop and mobile phone | 1 |
8.6. | Migration work and data conversation | Planning and support migrarion face including possible data conversations from old central system (card database data, customer database data, product database data) |
8.7. | Technical support and help desk services | Cost of technical support and help desk for hole system environment as descripted more detailed in spesifications. | 1 |
8.8 | Extra work | Prices shall informed for extra work of 100 hours. These prices are taken into account when comparing the different offers. |
8.8.1 | Extra services, project management | Extra work price per hour | 100 |
8.8.2 | Extra services, software development | Extra work price per hour | 100 |
8.8.3. | Extra services, integration work | Extra work price per hour | 100 |
8.8.4 | Extra services, other services | Extra work price per hour | 100 |
8.8.5. | Extra services, Training | Extra work price per hour | 100 |
8.8.6. | Extra services, Installation in vehicles | Instructions and control of installation including prototype installation and technical support for new bus types. Extra work price per hour | 100 |
Projektin jälkeiset mahdolliset lisätilaukset
Toimittajan tulee määritellä lisätilaushinnat seuraaville kertaerille:
1-10 laitetta tai
11-20 laitetta
21-50 laitetta
yli 50 laitetta
Vastaavasti työn hinta tulee määritellä vastaaviin kategorioihin tuntihinnoittelun tai päivähinnoittelun mukaisesti. Hinnoittelupohja määritetty kohdekohtaisesti.
Projektin jälkeisiä lisätilauksiatai niiden ei hintoja ei huomioiida vertailtaessa tarjouksia.
Item | Object (hw, sw, service) | Description | Unit price, €, 1-10 pcs | Unit price, €, 11-20pcs | Unit price, €, 21-50pcs | Unit price, €, over 50pcs | Maintenance cost, €, total/month | Comments |
1. | Central system |
1.1. | JLT own Point of sales (Customer service center and points) | Sw application and card reader and other specialized hw (for example printer if special printer is needed). Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost |
| External point of sales | Sw application and card reader and other specialized hw (for example printer if special printer is needed). Two way of support for this sales channel is required. way 1: Web solution based userinterface or similar solution way 2: functionalities that allows external sales points to connect via interface to JLT’s sales system Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units)
Price 2: Software cost
Price 3: Hardware cost |
1.3. | Extra Wlan basestations | HW and SW for Wlan basestations |
2 | Card and ID management |
2.1. | Travel cards | new initiated cards, calculation is done in thousends |
2.2. | UltraLight cards (Traveller cards) | new initiated cards, calculation is done in thousends |
2.3. | Device for mass production | Mass production of Travel cards and Traveller cards, hw |
3. | Vehicle |
3.1. | On-board computer | Vehicle unit incl. complete sw and hw incl. GPS, 3G/4G, communication to sensors and other units |
3.2. | Ticketing machine | Vehicle unit for selling products incl. Driver terminal, validator customer display, printer, mounting plate etc. (Can be included in item 2) |
3.3. | Self-service valifator | Vehicle unit for reading and writing cards including customer display |
3.4. | Installation materials | Cables, mounting materials, etc. |
3.5. | Vehicle display (infoteinment) | TFT screen 16:9 size 17-20”, 24”-26”, 32” Price information 1-3 different sizes |
3.6. | Paper rolls in buses | For ticket printing in buses, calculation is done in thousends |
3.7. | APC (Automatic Passanger Counting) Incl. installation material and instructions | HW
Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost |
3.8. | Security cameras on-board buses | HW +SW Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost |
4. | Ticket vending machine |
4.1 | Ticket vending machine, type 1 | Hw , Integration, mounting an commissioning, incl. paper rolls for receipt printing for 1 year |
4.2 | Ticket vending machine, type 2 | Hw , Integration, mounting an commissioning, incl. paper rolls for receipt printing for 1 year |
4.3. | Paper rolls on TVMs | For ticket printing on TVMs, if different type of TVMs need different paper rolls, price shall be given for all individual type of paper roll needed calculation is done in thousends |
5. | Handheld devices |
5.1. | Handheld ticket validator and sales point for rural buses and small vehicles | Software for mobile or handheld device (e.g. tablet). If special device is needed also the price of HW shall be given. Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost |
5.2. | Installation materials for rural buses and small vehicles | Cables, mounting materials, etc. |
5.3. | External printer that connects to the portable sales unit (option) | HW+ SW+ mounting kit. Printer can be connected to the sales unit via Bluetooth or via other suitable connection method. |
5.4. | Paper rolls in printers connected to portable sales unit (option) | For ticket printing in buses |
6. | RTPI |
6.1. | Extra Dispatcher work station | Software application for monitoring and dispatching functionality. |
6.2. | Signs/ monitors on bus stop | HW and SW show information and manage signs and monitors. For bus stop with few passing bus lines (1-3) For bus stops with several passing bus lines (4-10) If supplier will offer one and two-sided monitors the prices can give on separate rows Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost |
6.3. | Software for monitors on official places and terminals | SW show information and manage monitors. Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost if some special equipment is needed
6.2. | Monitors on terminals and official places | HW (+SW) Supplier can offer different size of monitors that they think att suitable for environment of Turku region. If supplier will offer one and two-sided monitors the prices can give on separate rows. If supplier offers also monitors to inside terminal buildings, they shall be priced separately Price 1: General costs (not releated to the amount of units) Price 2: Software cost Price 3: Hardware cost if some special equipment is needed |
7. | TSP |
7.1. | Traffic signal priority | HW for local control of traffic light priority |
8. | Services |
19. | Extra services, project management | Extra work price per hour |
20. | Extra services, software development | Extra work price per hour |
21. | Extra services, integration work | Extra work price per hour |
22. | Extra services, other services | Extra work price per hour |
23. | Extra services, Training | Extra training price per hour |
24. | Extra services, Installation in vehicles | Instructions and control of installation including prototype installation and technical support for new bus types. Extra work price per hour |